Frequently Asked Questions



Do you work on commissions AND/or projects?

Yes, I work at a freelance capacity on commissioned projects and artworks across a range of industries. You can view more of my work here.

Do you create private custom Portraits?

Yes, occasionally! My focus is on commercial work at the moment, which takes priority, but when I have the time amongst my other work I like to work on a few custom portraits for individuals.

Do you draw digitally or on paper?

Both! Traditionally I’m a fine artist and really enjoying the tactility of real paper, brushes and pencils. However, in the last few years I have been working digitally to create work for my clients that is more efficient in terms of speed and application. I also find that working digitally allows me to think in other creative ways which, in turn, further enhances my work!

What tools & materials do you use to draw with?

My favourite tools to draw with are mechanical pencils and dispensable erasers, for painting I’ve been enjoying using gouache and watercolour. My go-to paper choice is hot pressed watercolour paper (the smoother the better) for realistic and detailed pencil work, and cold pressed watercolour paper for painting. For digital work I use Procreate on an iPad Pro.